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Menstrual Cup: The Backpacker's Best Friend

Travelling can be a nightmare when you're on your period. When you're on the move the last thing you want to think about is packing, buying or changing your menstrual products. Here's why a menstrual cup is essential for anyone travelling, whether it be a weekend glamping or long-term backpacking:

1. Long-term Security

If you're planning on long-term travel, managing your period can be a challenge; six months backpacking requires six months worth of menstrual products. If you're using disposable products this could be a big challenge, but if one cup is all you would need! Cups can last years and usually come with a discreet bag, so it will last for your whole trip... and more!

2. More Space

Seriously, who really wants a mountain of disposable products taking up valuable space in your luggage? Skip the expensive airport fees and squeeze a cup into your carry-on.

3. No Worries I mean, if you really wanted to you could test your geography skills by hunting down tampons in even the remotest places then feel free. But if you're anything like us then you probably would rather be eating good food, chatting to the locals, hiking up a mountain (or just about anything else)!

4. Save Change

This might seem obvious, but when you're travelling you won't need to be spending your last few euros on tampons when you've packed your cup. There's no harm in spending it on some poolside cocktails instead then, right?

5. Longer Lasting

Cups can hold three times as much as a tampon and some only need to be changed once every twelve hours. This is perfect for when you're struggling to find a bathroom on the move. No need to dread those long train/boat/coach rides to the middle of no-where.

6. Less Waste

There's nothing like travelling to a new location to give you a new appreciation of how beautiful nature is. By ditching the disposables you can personally reduce your contribution to landfills and sewers. It's such an easy way to eliminate your waste and help our planet stay as beautiful as ever.


If you are considering packing a cup on your next trip, we have a couple of tips that might help you:

1. Test, test, test!

Most cup brands admit that the cup can take some getting used to. They expect the average person to take up to three cycles to get the hang of how to use one. That's why Organicup offer a 90 day satisfaction guarantee!

2. Water or Wipes

Don't forget to pack some wipes and bottled drinking water for your hands and the cup itself! Here are some more tips from RubyCup and MoonCup.

Have you used the cup when travelling? Let us know!

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