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New menstrual disc: did they not get the #ditchthedisposables memo?!

November 8th marks the day that yet another disposable product joins the UK's menstrual market. Please excuse my lack of enthusiasm...but do we really need any more!?

The FLEX menstrual disc is a new technological innovation which promises to be so comfortable, that you'll forget you're on your period. It's designed by women - Erika Jensen and Lauren Schulte - for women. But ultimately, is this at a cost to the environment?

(Source: FLEX)

How is it different from its fellow disposables?

  • The disc is composed of hypoallergenic and BPA-free plastic and therefore is less likely to cause toxic shock syndrome or year infections

  • Can be worn for up to 12 hours

  • The disc rests higher and is less likely to cause cramps and odour

  • Fewer products needed per period (roughly 8 per cycle, costing £13 per month)

  • Arguably more comfortable

However, as admitted by one of the co-founders of Flex (Lauren Schulte): "The menstrual cup is still the most environmentally friendly option because it's 100 per cent reusable".

Being in the environmental minority of the menstrual product market, it is disappointing to see that disposables are still being given media and consumer attention.

Despite the health benefits of the menstrual disc mentioned above, this does not distract from the fact that the product is composed of single-use plastic. Therefore, the menstrual disc is a product contributing to the 8 million tons of plastic entering our oceans annually, causing further degradation to marine ecosystems (McDermott, 2016).

For those of us in the Western world, menstruation is one of the aspects of our lives that is dictated by personal choice. We attain the power to decide which menstrual products we want to use for our own bodies and whether or not we exercise an environmental conscience in doing so.

Davidson (2012) proposes that the only way to curb our overall consumption is to divert the emphasis away from subjective choice. Whereas, the whole point of our begreen.period. campaign is to feel empowered as women by our right to choose: not only what is best for our bodies, but best for the environment too!

So what are you waiting for?! Exercise your right to choose and pledge today to try a menstrual cup!

To hear more from us, follow our campaign on our social media platforms linked below:





Davidson, A. (2012) Narratives of Menstrual Product Consumption:

McDermott, K.L. (2016) Plastic Pollution and the Global Throwaway Culture: Environmental Injustices of Single-use Plastic

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